When your car body is damaged, you may dread having to get your automobile repaired. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help make auto body repairs more affordable. Use the following tips to ensure that you pay the best rates possible for your next auto body repair:
Compare Hourly Labor Rates
Depending on what type of body work you need to have done, the parts and body panels you need may be similar in price no matter what body shop you go to. But one way you can control your auto body repair costs is getting quotes on the hourly rates from several different body shops. Hourly labor rates can vary dramatically, so taking the time to contact several different shops can make a huge difference in your final bill.
Inquire About Dent Repair
In some cases, body damage may be able to be repaired without having to completely replace body panels. If the damage on your vehicle are dents, a body shop may be able to use a dent repair technique to fix your car at a lower price. Before agreeing to any type of body work, make sure that ask if your car may benefit from dent repair. If there are cracks or chips in your paint, they may be able to be repaired after the dent repair is done.
Try to Make Small Repairs Yourself
Before assuming that you have to head to an auto body shop, inspect your vehicle to see if you may be able to make some minor repairs yourself. Scratches and small paint chips can often be repaired without having to go to an auto body shop. You can often by auto scratch repair kits at auto repair retail stores; if you are unable to find paint that matches the color of your car, you may be able to order it from the manufacturer.
Compare the Cost of Repair vs. Replacement
If your bumper or fender is badly dented, find out how much it may cost to completely replace the parts instead of having the dented areas repaired. Depending on the make and model or your vehicle, buying replacement parts yourself and having them installed may be more cost effective than having repairs made, especially if you consider the cost of labor. When you choose to replace a fender or bumper, make sure that you buy one with a warranty. Contact a business, such as Ron's Auto Refinishers, for more information.